You have a clear mission and the Times will allow you to reach it. No fault in that.

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Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel

The NYT has a much, much wider audience, and for all we know it might have a more persistent archive into the future. I loved the piece. I especially treasure the phrase "cognitive micronutrient." It's an example of what an A.I. could never come up with: a tiny linguistic seed that take roots in human minds to yield who knows what kind of fruit (some of which will hopefully be shared on Substack.)

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Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel

Yoke 😜

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Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel

Just for your information: I read your article in the NYT today, had never heard about you before but found the article very relevant. I then found you on Substeck and signet up as a subscriber.

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Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel


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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel

You were supposed to destroy the NYT, not join them!

I'll probably heartily enjoy your article in a few hours once I'm freed for the weekend. That said, in the short term I remain pessimistic about watermarks. Open source models will likely offer the ability to either strip or obfuscate watermarks for deception or plausible deniability, respectively, and that will mean company-controlled models will be the only "trustable" ones; yet who watches the watchers, and how will we know if these companies abuse our trust in their watermarking technologies? Today the word fascism is drenched in the flavor of the right wing but it was originally based on a melding of state and corporate power, a modern command economy that could be wielded by either political persuasion if desired. I dread a future where the only two options are technofeudalism or complete chaos.

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Apr 1Liked by Erik Hoel


I wouldn’t have discovered you or Substack if not for your NYT article. I have read lots of articles on AI and trying to use it in behavioral health but yours was the first one that scared me. Great work!

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I agree with the concern behind your article and I'm glad you raised it in the New York Times. AI pollution of the commons is a real problem and needs to be discussed by a wide audience. However, the solution described in your piece is all based on an assumption that strong watermarking is possible. I believe that assumption is false.

You said that "major A.I. companies are refusing to pursue advanced ways to identify A.I.’s handiwork." This is untrue. For example, OpenAI hired Scott Aaronson for a year to work on this. As he says in his blog post (https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6823), his "main project so far has been a tool for statistically watermarking the outputs of a text model like GPT." Other labs have pursued similar efforts as well. It's not that they haven't tried; it's that no option is particularly good. I suggest to you no technique works well and can't be easily broken. You can see this in some papers that have come out recently (https://arxiv.org/html/2310.07726v2, https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03807), but you don't need to scour the literature to know that this is true.

Some simple techniques would indeed work against the least sophisticated actors. But it's not going to take an expert to break these watermarks; a motivated, college essay writer with access to Google will be able to.

And then we get to something you didn't mention: The cost of an inaccurate method. Whether it suffers from false positives or false negatives, in many ways, it could be worse than no method at all.

I challenge you to come up with a watermarking system I can't break. I mean this challenge honestly, and I would very, very much like for you to succeed. Being that this system would have to be deployed widely, you would have to for me to repeatedly test against it (e.g. via API) and still not be able to break it. I don't think you can. It's not about me or you or Scott Aaronson, it's that the task is impossible.

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Well that NYT piece at least got you one new subscriber-me!

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Even though it may feel like turning back to the dark-side, I actually think it's a huge step forward having writers who dominantly post on Substack to write articles for the major news corporations. Although they have lost tons of viewership and credibility, they inevitably will stay around and continue to be read by many people, even through spite. Having credible and critical authors with a new perspective write for them outside of their primary quorum of bandits opens a lot of doors back to non-propagandized media.

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Mar 29Liked by Erik Hoel

Was just thinking of you as Sam Harris and Robert Sipulsky went on and on in Sam’s podcast with “downward control” tropes about causal supervenience, that seemed to call for a reading of your take. Pressure doesn’t need to”control” the billiard ball atoms to be the right level of description, is maybe how I internalize it, but I too could stand another reading.

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I feel torn writing this, since I support you and it sounds like I'm being nitpicky for no good reason, but 'yolk' is for eggs. What you struggle under is their editorial 'yoke'. This article's topic is necessary and important and I agree with you, and yet a publication with editors and proofreaders would not have this in the opening sentence. I almost want to cry.

It's an endemic problem of a lack of seriousness on Substack. As a passionate supporter and reader of Substack authors, who I am proud to support with my subscriptions, I struggle every day with how much it bothers me that all of you desperately need to hire a proofreader. I can't count how many I've unsubscribed from because they cannot provide this modicum of respect to paying readers.

I commented on Freddie DeBoer's blog asking him to hire a proofreader when he made a ruinously confusing passage, that could have been fixed with a simple grammar correction, discussing an issue on which he and I agree which was dearly important to me. He accused me of being a jealous writer with a failed writing career. I'm not. I'm just a reader and a paying customer who cares about attention to detail in thinking.

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Erik, what can I say?! I/we readers have become--how should I put it--'anastedized'?--to your work. Almost boringly brilliant every single time. To step out of your lane of focus, consciousness, into the realm of NYT audiences, with 120 comments and counting, only attests further to your unending creativity. My only remark on The Intrinsic Perspective is more of your great charts & graphs, please! I come from the same habit, too many words when a picture says more--and often better....

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Congratulations, Erik! I’m a fan of your writing and I’m glad to see you get in front of more people.

I work in AI, and I’ve written a couple of books (and a substack!) about it. While the idea of text watermarks makes sense, the unfortunate truth is that it’s trivial to overcome them: even if all the big companies added watermarks to their output, a user can just paste that output into a tool that subtly reworks the piece to remove them. Additionally, watermarks don’t work well for shorter textual content, like the peer reviews and social media posts you mention in the Times article. Further, “AI detection” models have a huge false positive rate.

As with most technological problems, there is no easy fix that involves piling on yet more tech. The only real solution involves societal hard work. We need to build a solid system of standards and trust that help us distinguish between garbage content and the good stuff. Ironically, I see there being a big role here for traditional publishing brands (hello NYT) and self-publishing networks that host personal recommendations (hi Substack!), along with the scientific journals that are clearly not doing their (only, and overcompensated) jobs.

Professional standards and social proof can help us—and the search engines, plus the people who train models—distinguish between high and low quality content. Technological solutions won’t work.

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AI devices and programs cannot police themselves. However if a piece is AI generated that could and should be indicated at the very beginning. Most companies will not want to do so. Credibility comes from belief in authenticity. "Erik Hoel" essays will be generated from AI. will every author need to read everything "penned: in his or her name to uncover non human generated material? Can a sophisticated AI program be used to detect AI generated essays? How ironic. Misalignment seems to be inherent in Neural Net entities. Can Substack prevent such non authored material from appearing?

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