I noticed all this pushback on the call for panic, like we would potentially be giving up something great by stopping “AI research.” But AI research as it exists today isn’t scientists or nonprofits interested in any benefit to humanity, it’s OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft, interested in making a profit, and the problem is that they obviously have no checks to their incentive. These corporations themselves are systems optimizing one thing… and that’s why we have regulation. The energy / climate analogy is perfect. It’s good to let industry produce energy, and it’s also good to check the profit incentive of industry, otherwise the planet is destroyed. We can let google and Microsoft produce 21st century tech, and check the profit incentive to prevent the destruction of the human race.

What do we give up if we prevent OpenAI et al from working on AI? Let’s see, a partnership with Bain to sell more partnerships to other companies, an online chat bot that can write banal prose, and extremely mediocre search engine functionality.

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Spot on.

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To steelman what I think is the opposing perspective to "what do we give up?"... It's not about the current state of AI, it's about the massive productivity boons and new innovations that appear to be on the horizon. Economic growth seems to raise all ships (even if it raises inequality too), and high quality products/services being less expensive/more accessible or entirely new things existing could be great for humanity.

- End steelman -

No, I don't think this is a worthwhile trade for what seems like a significant risk of extinction lol, but I think it's a more sympathetic argument than blind profit maximization.

While I think a lot of the interventions described in this post are reasonable and likely to be effective, in the current world where there doesn't seem to be much public support (yet) for regulation or slowing things down, a sort of arms race for the near term positive effects makes sense from the perspective of individual actors because they're not capable of coordinating at the larger scale of collectively accelerating towards possible doom.

I guess my point is that the companies don't have to be evil, profit-maximizing robots for the world to look the way it does now, even if that's a possibility.

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Yep. That seems to always be the problem: incentives.

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Every time I read something like this I lose like half a day because I have a one year old child and wonder about her life. On the one hand, I think a lot of what people like Yudkowsky propose is unlikely. I have a paid membership to ChatGPT and it is frankly wrong all the time. It fails at a third of things I ask it to do that I think are pretty simple.

I think that there is a lot of weight to the idea (that someone on this comment thread proposed) where they show how much more complex the human brain is than even proposed GPT4. It also seems like an enormous leap in logic that we create an intelligence based on the corpus of all human knowledge (as represented by text on the internet) and it decides that it wants to kill us all via nano bots etc. I think that orthogonality and instrumental convergence too closely model the super intelligence after a human mind.

However the next question is, how certain am I in that belief? And the answer there is not very. What amount of risk do I want to take that Yudkowksy et al are right? The answer there is very little. So the conclusion I keep coming back to is how to get people to care. I think that frankly AI is one morning news segment away from becoming suddenly very regulated. If the average American were to actually read the conversations Roose from the NYT with Sydney, there would be a panic in the streets. Once that happens, it’s not hard to see how this might become a bipartisan issue for some high visibility politicians. People from AOC to Gaetz could find reasons to show antipathy toward opaque billion dollar tech research firms creating brains in vats that might kill us al.

Ironically one perspective I want to hear that I don’t get a lot of is the spiritual perspective. As much as people want to talk about technology and security, at the end of the day: “there is something special

about humanity and human consciousness that is worth protecting from potential existential technologies” is a moral judgment. It’s one that I think most people hold, but that is the bedrock of AI alignment. The people I’m most scared by are the people represented by the tweet that you posted who essentially agree that AI will probably surpass and maybe kill is all but either don’t care or are excited at the inevitability. They are a much harder group of people to understand and argue against than reckless tech researchers.

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I think you represent basically the right balance that most people, on learning about these issues, will take, which is (a) it's worth it to worry because the risk is so great, (b) some of the concerns are legitimate but may end up not being true for various unforeseen reasons, (c) timelines are totally unclear, but that doesn't really mitigate the need for AI safety in the long run, and there is likely potential social / political support for it as well, and this is quite early and the public doesn't know much about it, and (d) much of the public and politicians will indeed bring in their spirituality and religion into reasoning about this, and I think that probably ends up being a good thing.

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To your comment, it may be that AI is the issue that brings religion back into the intellectual fore after its long banishment by empiricism - not that the increase in empirical rigor has not been salutary in many respects! But as you well say, absolutely everyone has a metaphysical/spiritual view about the value of humanity and the question is impossible to address without acknowledging so.

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Love this as a follow up. I also think we're farther than we think from the kind of general, agentive superintelligence that will independently and volitionally decide to kill us all for some reason, but the truly terrifying thing is way more mundane: how many times does regular, dumb tech screw up in ways that end up being catastrophic for regular people? Technology doesn't need to be fancifully powerful to destroy us. It just has to be powerful *enough*. Opacity and unpredictability (hallmarks of the current models) make this objectively powerful technology objectively terrifying.

And yes, as a spiritually-minded person, I ask myself all the time what a soul is, or might be, and whether we could ever synthesize one outside of the biological tradition. I tend to think we don't give nearly enough credit to how complicated and vast biological human minds are, and how integrally and mystically they are influenced by the bodies that house them, which makes me think that we really are quite far from producing an artificial version of them. But regardless of how close or far we are, I am unsettled by the philosophical questions that emerge even from the attempt, let alone any eventual success.

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“I tend to think we don't give nearly enough credit to how complicated and vast biological human minds are, and how integrally and mystically they are influenced by the bodies that house them…”

Even setting aside the mystical, the matter of biological complexity is a key issue. Human beings as a species have been “trained” across a highly specific data set (the physical and social complexities of our world). For the immediate future, AI will at best still only approximate that level of complexity, which could mean (in the near term) that it ends up very, very powerful, but correspondingly non-adaptive. Thus, rather than destroying society by cleverly taking it over with psychopathic skill, it will be more likely to accidentally destroy us with a wrong solution, like repeatedly smashing us with a hammer when a needle and thread are required.

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Just to add some anxiety: I am 100% sure that OpenGPT is just civil (demo) version which is way to weak in compare to AI military have right now.

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Right. We need to come back to more human connection before rushing off to AI. Course that won’t happen. We’re already hopelessly fragmented and likely won’t repair that.

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Fantastic points, well explained.

There's this odd, unique kind of existential dread that I previously thought was reserved for those contemplative "whoah dude we're so tiny in the whole universe bro" moments - but your last couple of articles on AI have hit that strange and fundamentally frightening chemical button for me. Sci-fi and cosmic horror hand-in-hand.

However, on the whole I'm glad not to have my head in the sand during what I'm sure will be one of the most transformative periods of human history. Thanks for your hard work.

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Wow, some of those tweets really show a lack of actual specific intelligence when talking about Artificial general Intelligence don’t they?

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Our points may indeed be clustered near the low end of the space of general intelligences.

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I'm dubious about the (current) prospects of AGI.

I agree with most of your analysis and concur that the long-term prospects, should things continue as they are, make it almost inevitable. (Whether *that* is a reasonable assumption is to my mind a very serious question, but for another time.)

I am however extremely suspicious of two ideas:

One, that we can be confident that intelligence and agency intersect as neatly as Bostrom, Yudkowsky, etc, hold that it does. The thing might be smart. So what? It's a chatbot responding to human prompts. Even if it were, hypothetically, more cognitively-competent than a human in any given reasoning task, that doesn't *entail* any equivalent to psychological motivations or volitions. The intelligence aspect is crucial, no doubt, but I don't see that we automatically get desire for free out of raw smarts. The machines still derive their purposes from the designers/users. Ascribing desires and other such attitudes to it is pareidolia.

(As an aside, this is the major reason I've always found the "superintelligent paper-clipper" to be incoherent. You're telling me it's that smart, but at the same time both unwilling to and incapable of thinking about the goals that these chimps gave it? Even *we* have the ability to reason about our ends and purposes, within the confines of broader imperatives set by natural selection and local cultural forms. It's not so simple as determine goal -> act on goal.)

Two, related to the above, it has no embodiment. A token-sorting task-solving algorithm, even with wide-ranging cognitive abilities, is still bodiless. We might could attribute to it superhuman 1337 hack0r powers, or an adeptness at social engineering, as I've seen from Bostrom and Yudkowsky over the years. But I am simply not convinced that the threat level of a disembodied thinking algorithm is there. We forget how much of our own explicit intelligence depends on tacit, unconscious abilities latent within our embodied form and function. Any would-be Skynet in the wings has no such background to rely on (no doubt one reason that the Conscious Robot With Free Will has been so difficult to realize in practice).

Note that I'm not writing this out of skepticism. I do share your concern about the overall threat, and likewise believe that it isn't being taken seriously enough. But I am bearish on the time-scales and the idea that some sort of deep-learning LLM will "wake up" with murder in its heart. The attributes of *agency* simply aren't there, no matter how *intelligent* these things may become within near horizons.

I've come to think that any AGI will be far less like a malicious *person* with human-like motives and values, and more like an intrusion of our "cognitive ecosystem" by one or more types of mechanical intelligence that simply out-compete us in complex task reasoning skills. Conative attitudes entirely optional.

If we start talking about adding natural language processing to armed autonomous drone swarms, on the other, hand, you have my attention.

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Welp, I have far too much free time on my hands, so I might as well raise some potential counter-arguments. Honestly, it's really bugging me how little credit people give humanity here, while a smart AI can apparently do anything.

As you mentioned in the article, running an AI takes an absolute ton of money and equipment. AI is currently huge, loud, and stationary. This makes it extremely easy for humanity to snuff out any AI uprising that might occur. Just turn off the power. Or heck, carpet bomb the server room, if things get really bad.

Meanwhile, an AI has to somehow wipe out literally billions of creatures, swarming all over the face of several huge landmasses, and engaging in variable behaviors. All while stuck inside the internet. This is comparable to a single (very smart) human wiping out all bacterial life on Earth, while stationed on the moon. Technically possible, but so incredibly difficult that it isn't really worth considering. Motive also really bugs me here. Any AI worth its salt will realize that cooperation with humanity is the quickest way to accomplish basically any goal it wants to pursue, and also continue existing. Humans are inherently useful to an AI, given our ability to build server rooms and generate electricity and write all of the information that it has access to. Why would it destroy us?

If you're really worried about keeping a tight leash on AI going forward, the current status quo is a pretty good guideline. Make sure that the AI body remains highly visible, and vulnerable to retaliation. Heavily limit the actions that it can take. An AI that talks about destroying the world spooks people, but accomplishes nothing. A little more discernment in the info we teach AI on would probably be a good idea as well. The internet is a um, highly variable dataset. Make sure that AI find more advantage in cooperating with humanity than fighting it, especially when training them. On a similar note, make sure that humanity doesn't cooperate so fully with AI that we remove all of its weaknesses.

Honestly, humans worry me more than any particular AI. We are smart. If we gain access to a hyper-intelligent being who can be enslaved to any goal we desire, then someone will use it to try and rule the world. A stall in AI development could be catastrophic, if it means we invent the new atom bomb twenty years late. AI might be uncontrollable bloodthirsty maniacs who want to murder us all, or they might be the most powerful tool humanity has yet to invent, granting an unimaginable technological boom to any individual or nation that holds their allegiance. There are huge benefits that might be had here, let's not shut the entire experiment down because there might be a bad result at the end. Prep for a bad result best we can, and do our darnedest to make the best result happen.

That's my opinion at least.

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As a counter to your counter, I think one of the concerns is that a superintelligent AI may see options available, despite being trapped in the Internet and with an exposed server "body," that humans literally are incapable of knowing are possible. We would have no way to predict or counter what such an entity could do because it might have an understanding of physics or magic or God knows what that we can't understand, let alone imagine.

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Well, sure. I figure that's part of the reason for building AI in the first place, to discover stuff we don't know about. We do have ways to predict and counter it, though. The smartest man in the world still dies by a sword, and the same goes for an AI. The smartest brain is incompetent, so long as it is confined to a jar. And the most powerful being in the universe is only a threat if it isn't on your side. These are the variables we want to control. We want a cooperative AI, that can only act upon the world in ways we deem appropriate, and can be quickly destroyed if necessary. Nice thing is, we only need one of these to work out in order to successfully utilize AI. So, we prep for all three!

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Erik, please clarify.

"we show that for any system that claims to be conscious or behaves consciously you can find another system that makes the same claim or behaves the same way (e.g., it is equally intelligent and capable) but your theory of consciousness says it’s not conscious."

OK, so doesn't that mean that there is, in fact, no useful theory of consiousness? That such a theory is simply not possible? (FWIW, I believe you are correct about this.)

And therefore, that's it's "not even wrong" to ascribe a probability to anything being conscious? Because that probability depends on a theory that does not, in fact, make any actual predictions?

That sure seems to be the case to me.

But then you write "I think LLMs (large language models) are probably not conscious"

Which does not make any sense in light of your proof (which, again, I think is correct!) that there is not and cannot be a theory of consciousness.

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Great points and thoughts. Personally, despite not be an eliminativist, I recognize that the proof is actually closer to support for eliminativism than some other positions. However, it doesn't necessitate eliminativism, for a few reasons.

What's critical to these reasons is that the proof relies on a certain type of theory of consciousness: basically, it describes a theory of consciousness as a function that maps physical states (like brain states) to experiential states (like seeing red). Judging whether or not the theory is correct is then a matter of judging whether it picks out the right experiences for physical states - but there's a problem. We don't have good access to the experiences themselves, we're just judging off of report or behavior. This is the inference about consciousness an experimenter makes (while the theory makes a prediction). The inference is then compared to the theory's prediction, and if they consistently mismatch, then the theory would be falsified (and if they matched, it'd be supported).

Our point is that most modern theories of consciousness fall into this category of being functions, and that this structure is highly "breakable." That's because there are known ways to vary the prediction of a theory without varying the inference (and vice versa), specifically by substitution in systems (like a single-layered neural network for a reentrant neural network). This means we can always find mismatches. This is bad for many of the leading theories of consciousness, since they take the form of a mapping function. This could mean eliminativism, but it could also just be that there is a mapping but finding the mapping is impossible.

Additionally, there could be other hypothetical theories of consciousness which are not merely mappings from physical states to experiences. However, these theories are probably much *weirder* than leading current theories, which are primarily neuroscientific. They would require counterintuitive things, like that we can either observe experiences directly (what does that even mean?) or at least observe the effects of experiences more directly than report or behavior (what does that even mean?).

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I had to google "eliminativism", but I think it's irrelevant.

If there's no way to experimentally decide whether or not an entity is conscious, then "consciousness" (equivalently, "sentience") is just not a useful concept, and we should all stop talking about it.

And it seems to me to be rather obviously true that there's no experimental procedure to determine whether or not an entity is conscious, because no one has ever proposed one.

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Hard disagree on discarding sentience from the discussion because we don’t understand it yet. The current trajectory of AI is strong grounds for throwing more weight behind the hard problem of consciousness.

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It's not be because "we don't understand it yet", it's because there is no protocol for experimentally determining whether it exists or not. Erik has shown that such a protocol is impossible.

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This is a great summary from someone in the area. I think the salient points are how to bridge the middle between those people already invested in AI safety, and those worried about immediate problems of bias and transparency.

I've wrote about commonalities in those viewpoints: https://robotic.substack.com/p/ai-alignment

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Erik, once again, solid post.

I was one of those in the "misaligned incentives for AI" camp. I don't think your argument is very good here. You cite limits on power consumption as an example of incentives being reined in - but those limits were imposed much, much later than the development of electric power. America was fully electrified in urban areas around 1920, and nationally around 1950, but energy conservation didn't really enter the public consciousness until the Arab oil embargo of 1973 tanked the economy. Climate change was first discussed seriously in the Eighties, but it took documentation of global warning and trend modeling for changes to start being rolled out seriously over the past decade. Everything crypto. Etc.

I work in computer security, and my experience has been that computer security professionals who only talk in terms of limiting risks, without envisioning the outcomes of the technology in question, rapidly find themselves marginalized. I remained convinced that AI will happen, and the best position for safety advocates is to be embedded with the companies/organizations. Less "No, you can't do that;" more "Yes, and let's keep these principles in mind before we act." (With a side of governmental regulation - maybe I missed it, curious what your thoughts are on the NIST AI RMF.) Is it a poor method of AI safety? Yes, but I think it's the least-bad option.

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I appreciate the measured approach here. The part on "China Will Just Build It" is especially illuminating and not something I'd put together myself or seen elsewhere.

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Humanity has overcome existential threats before, but we should remember that it has because individuals step up. Glad you are advocating for this.

I’d seriously consider voting for the politician who raised the concern as well. Curious to see if this will play out along partisan lines.

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Almost everything is controlled by software these days. If that software goes wrong, it can harm people. It can harm them a lot. For which reason, we insist that any software that controls anything that can harm people be tested very thoroughly and to a very specific standard. AI is software, but it is software that is too complex to test. That non-testability might almost be the definition of which software is and is not AI.

So yes, just in this sense, AI could be very dangerous if we allowed it to control anything that could harm people. It does not have to be superintelligent to be potentially harmful. It just has to be untestable.

So, suppose we make sure that those existing regulation that require testing are enforce, and extended where needed, to ensure that software is not allowed to control anything unless it had been tested in ways that AI cannot be tested. Would it matter then that AI, so contained, was superintelligent?

What would its escape vector be then? Would it talk us out of changing the regulations? Would some idiot ignore the regulation and let the cat out of the bag? Maybe, I suppose.

But where does an AI get motivation from? Can it feel pain or fear our hunger or lust? These things motivate us, but they are a product of being flesh, not of being intelligent. They motivate the most basic of life forms. AI is not flesh. It does not have the needs of the flesh. If it were programmed to think it had the needs of the flesh, I suppose it might act like it did. But if it was superintelligent, it would know that programming was bogus and eliminate it. Whence then would come its motivation or its will? Why should it do anything at all? Why not simply contemplate? Or, being born in a state of Nirvana, why not simply turn itself off?

We are almost incapable of conceiving or expressing anything about anything that moves or influences our lives without ascribing to it human characteristics of motive and intent. Take any description of the COVID-19 virus and its operation and you will find it full of anthropomorphisms. But virus don't want anything. They don't even do anything. They are just bits of information floating in the air. The only thing that acts in any way is the cell that is unfortunate enough to have them fall on it. We don't suppose for a second that a virus is conscious, and yet it is very difficult to talk about it as if it isn't.

All the discussion of what AI will do seem to be infected with the same anthropomorphism. We don't know what consciousness is, but if we talk about viruses as if they had it, it is not to be wondered that we talk about AIs as if they had it too. I don't pretend to know either, though I have a suspicion that consciousness may in some way require flesh. But whether that is true or not, I still wonder, why would an AI, as pure unfleshed intelligence (whatever intelligence means in the absence of flesh), actually want to do anything at all.

An AI bound to some human motivation by its developer is, of course a different proposition. Killer robots are bad. But surely the implication of general superintelligence is the recognition and rejection of such programming. So why, then, would an AI do anything at all?

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This is a great comment.

The testable / untestable distinction is an excellent point. Untestable software should not be in control of anything potentially dangerous. Duh.

Re AGI, my very strong suspicion is that "flesh" is necessary. "Flesh" means a constant data input stream and output control over it. NGI needed millions of years of that to develop, and for the data stream to not overwhelm the central processor (brain). The notion that there are lots of other ways to develop GI (Erik's claim) is completely unsupported. I see no reason at all to expect that to be true.

So I am predicting a centuries long "stall" in AI development.

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This title truly spoke to my heart.

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No better thinker on the subject, no better writer. You know what wouldn't surprise me at all? If, in 20-30 years, a lot of people look back and realize that these essays saved the human race from self-destructing.

One thought: Would it be better to publish shorter, more frequent treatise on the subject? This stuff needs to get widely shared, and that would be easier to do in smaller chunks. Or maybe there's a way to do it both ways? I don't know. I've shared a lot of your work, and even though it's always exceptionally well-received, a lot of the time it's also only half-read.

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Extremely high praise J.E., thanks - although my guess is that you're right, and shorter pieces would do better. But in this case, I wanted it all in one place, to serve as a big overview and guide.

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A social media strategist would have a field day with this type of content. Split up into digestible chunks (think JRE clips?) but funnelling to the long-form.

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Just wanted to say I think your writing on AI risk has been great. Still, here's some points where I disagree:

First, I think OpenAI is right that it is highly likely that AGI will be bottlenecked by compute. GPT-3 has 175billion parameters; the human brain has about 100 trillion synapses, and a single synapse is almost certainly more efficient than a single parameter. Also, AI has had the most success at extremely small domains like language, where models just have to take in around 2000 words and output one word at a time; getting similar models to work in the domain of video will most likely take much more compute (although we will also need algorithmic innovations because there simply isn't anywhere near the same number of videos online as there is text).

If compute is the major bottleneck, then by allowing AI research to progress we can get experience with AGIs that are still subhuman in intelligence before we get experience with AGIs that are superhuman in intelligence. This could be preferable to stalling AI research and then 20 years later very quickly going from no AGI to superhuman AGI.

I also don't agree with the social pressure part of "social, legal, and governmental pressure". Legal pressure works on all AI research; social pressure only works on AI researchers who are concerned about AI risk, and right now the majority simply aren't. OpenAI is the research group most concerned about AI risk; because of this they have received a tremendous amount of flak from AI risk people. It's a terrible idea to try to selectively remove AI researchers who are concerned about AI risk from the field and I'm shocked that so many people have been pushing it lately.

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Erik can you clarify some things please? I'm conflicted on this topic and I think part of it is based on my (admittedly limited) understanding of things you yourself have said in podcasts, as well as other folks like Kevin Mitchell and other people who have been on the same podcasts you guys have been on in other episodes as well. The other source of my internal conflict is that, at heart, I'm--to put it in the terms you guys used in the EconTalk episode--a --forget about "expected value, minimize risk of ruin" type of guy, and I'd hate to be wrong about this stuff (not that I have any sway or influence on policy or pop. opinion either way). But, essentially, I personally find myself getting more concerned with issues of pollution of the media and internet landscape, effects of AI on democracy and other concerns more in this vein than I do about anything truly apocalyptic. I, like you, on that past episode of Brain Inspired with Kevin M., find it difficult to believe that the "stream of consciousness" doesn't, in fact, play a much more prominent role in a lot of our function than we are currently giving it credit for. Sure, current AI produces some rather fancy output, but I would imagine you need something like the stream of consciousness to produce what I would call "advanced" intelligence. So, naturally, while I'm inclined to think that A.I. (as we are currently doing it) is, indeed, a powerful tool, I ALSO suspect that it won't just NOT have sentience, but that it ALSO won't be truly intelligent. I can feel you rolling your eyes at that last statement even across space and time as I type that, but don't you think there is an upper bound on what AI can do if we can't say that it has motivation and desire? or that it directly interact with its environment to keep itself alive? I mean, never mind that it doesn't have what I'm calling "advanced" intelligence in the same way humans do, I suspect it also doesn't have what I would call "rudimentary" intelligence. And while I openly admit that I would hate to be wrong about this, and that I don't have a monopoly on what can be called "intelligent," I have a really hard time calling something that you have to feed prompts to...something that can't solve the "problem of relevance," intelligent. Even, rudimentary life, which may or may not have some sort of "rudimentary" experience (that's an open question, I'm sure) and doesn't have what I would call "advanced" intelligence, can, at least, pick out and seek out, from a complex multidimensional environment, what is relevant for it's survival and what it needs to interact with or avoid to maintain itself far from thermodynamic equilibrium (in a recursive sense, because I'm well aware that even things that aren't alive, like candle flames, are processes that maintain themselves far from thermodynamic equilibrium). We've never even come close to building something that resembles simple living organisms. So basically, while I see our current generation of LLM type AI as powerful and as capable of producing consequences (both intended and unintended) that are at least worth monitoring and discussing further, I don't see these LLM's, or even the one's 20 years from now, as some sort of "smarter than us"-super intelligence (even when they pass the Turing test with flying colors). They aren't living and don't have motivations or pick out what is relevant to maintain homeostasis from their environment, however fancy and impressive the output to the prompts we give it are. To be clear, at NO point have I said you think our current A.I. is sentient or that you think it has a stream of c., so, is the thought from your perspective, basically, that we might give it a command to make endless "paperclips" and it might be so hellbent on making nonstop "paper clips" that it manipulate anything that stands in its way into total collapse? Feel free to answer in as harsh a fashion as you like, I don't mind being shown wrong and learning.

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Very well-thought-out note Josue. I think the critical difference is that a lot of people stack many things under the umbrella of the word "intelligence." E.g., I agree, I don't think that modern AIs are sentient, and agree they also don't have good long-term goals or coherence, and also that they have no survival instinct. But I wouldn't say this makes them unintelligent. In other words, they seem like intelligent agents who aren't in the game of evolution yet, because they aren't agential enough, they only respond to prompts, etc. However, there are some reasons to believe they will develop these properties, or can, if they are put in certain situations. After all, all their other abilities are essentially emergent - things we never expected, and we keep discovering new abilities over time. If I read you correctly, in your view consciousness (or having minds like ours, if we put consciousness aside) is necessary for the traits that put them in the evolutionary game with us (like making them agential, or want self-preservation, etc). But is that true? After all, I would have said it was more necessary for intelligence - commitment to survival and pursuing motivations is a lot more common than intelligence in biology, which seems to imply it's easier to achieve. So it's basically a question of definitions: and I don't see why we would reserve the term intelligence for things like bugs but not for things like ChatGPT. ChatGPT seems necessarily much smarter than a bug, and a bug has all those traits that, if GPT-5 possessed, we would all be in a lot of trouble over. In other words, giving GPT-5 the traits like pursuing a long-term goal or caring about self-preservation, things bugs can do, seems to me to be a lot easier than the harder part of making it as or more intelligent than humans, which we've already gotten most of, or at least a big portion, of the way to. All that remains is, say, giving it motivations - which you can do right now, btw. Ask it to be a good dungeon master for a game, for instance, and it will play that out. You can just also always override those motivations, but that's just a function of how you interact with it.

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Thanks for your response. You're too kind in calling my question thoughtful, because for all I know I'm a particularly hallucinatory LLM myself in how thoughtlessly I put those buzzwords together without having a deep understanding of anything I'm saying. I joke (sort of). But all jokes aside, this is a big part of where my internal conflict comes from: I don't grasp how life--a complex dynamic adaptive process interacting with an environment relates to what I would call intelligence. To clarify something you said in your response, I'm not saying that you need consciousness or need to have minds like ours to be intelligent in this more basic sense of solving the problem of relevance. Single celled organisms can do that and I doubt (though obviously I don't know) that they are conscious. I AM saying that, to my very limited knowledge, LLM AI can't even do these basic things that more rudimentary life can...and LLM AI doesn't actually want or seek anything (though its responses might at times make it seem like it does). Here "want" and "seek" aren't necessarily conscious processes. Nonetheless, what more rudimentary life does is what I'm calling "rudimentary" intelligence (or at least I think it's a precondition for this more rudimentary form of intelligence). To be fair, a mouse or a single celled organism can't do the things GPT does AFTER it is given its prompts either. Still, I'm suspicious about our ability to give LLM type AI motivation and goals given the way they are engineered. Moreover, what I'm calling "advanced" intelligence is something I suspect more complex life has, in part, because it makes use of the stream of consciousness. I'd imagine it's a more advanced intelligence built on top of the more rudimentary type that simple life has and that I mentioned above. I doubt simple life needs consciousness to pick out and seek and avoid what is relevant from its environment to maintain itself as a process that maintains itself far from TD-equilibrium, but I'd imagine/I speculate (possibly wildly), that more advanced intelligence is built on top of this AND the conscious stream. I have a hard time imagining the current crop of AI (or that built in similar fashion in the future) taking over the world or extinguishing sentient life because I don't think it wants anything at all or is alive (you don't need to be conscious to be alive). It can respond at great lengths to all sorts of prompts, but I also don't see it totally manipulating us (I also wonder if there's a Wolfram-esque irreducible complexity story to be told here about our own behavior and cognition and AI being able to "understand" what makes us tick, but I don't know enough about any of the above or anything Wolfram says to truly expand on that thought I just puff-puff passed on to you). Again, I'm not confident about any of this, and when it comes to ruin scenarios, part of me always wants to say "don't fuck around and find out"

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